Paid sick leave expands after many pandemic protections vanish

May 7, 2024
The U.S. is among few countries that do not guarantee paid sick leave. But more states are onboard, and it may be on the ballot in others.
The U.S. is among few nations that do not guarantee paid sick leave. But many states do.
designer491/Getty Images

Why hasn’t tourism recovered in Palau?

Apr 19, 2024
Flights haven't restarted in high volume since the pandemic drop-off, and South Koreans are booking their vacations elsewhere.
Tourism in Palau is a fraction of its scale before the pandemic, despite the country's natural beauty.
Frey Lindsay/BBC

Sober times for China's wine sellers

Apr 17, 2024
Having once enjoyed vibrant growth, China's wine industry is being held back by trade barriers, changing tastes and a flagging economy.
A shelf of wines from France, Argentina and New Zealand in a Shanghai retail shop. Wine imports have declined, and exporters are frustrated.
Charles Zhang/Marketplace

Behind the curtain: What it’s like to be a professional performer

Mar 15, 2024
For performer Jonathan Betchtel, it all started with the film "Moulin Rouge."
With long hours, tough schedules and challenging physical demands, the life of a performer can be a constant hustle.
Courtesy Nate Watters

Getting a COVID-19 vaccine is still free — if you know where to look

Jan 25, 2024
In 2024, people without health insurance can get vaccinated for free at sites that are part of the federal Bridge Access Program.
A health care worker administers a COVID-19 vaccine at a retirement community. The JN.1 variant has become dominant in the United States.
Joe Raedle/Getty Images

It's been 4 years since the pandemic began. Here's what the new normal looks like.

Jan 4, 2024
Even if we're back to statistical "norms," remote employment, widespread freelancing and worker activism have changed the landscape.
One big change: more people working remotely or for themselves.
Getty Images

COVID-19 economy wanes along with pandemic's urgency

Oct 17, 2023
Makers of vaccines, tests and even protective gear are struggling to adjust to slackening demand.
Pharmaceutical giant Pfizer, which supplied key products in the battle against the coronavirus, has seen a dramatic reversal of fortune.
Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images

For public good, not for profit.

The arts generated more than $150 billion last year

It's part of the economic case for what towns and cities can gain by investing in nonprofit and local arts.
In 2022, nonprofit arts and culture groups and their events supported 2.6 million jobs, generated $29.1 billion in tax revenue, and provided $101 billion in income for residents.
Robert Couse-Baker

The COVID vaccine rollout is kind of a mess. Again.

Sep 29, 2023
This is the first round of COVID vaccinations relying mostly on the usual health insurance and provider networks as opposed to the government.
COVID vaccinations are now going through the commercial health care system, providing new obstacles to people who want the jab.
Spencer Platt/Getty Images

As health care moves into the home, do we have enough workers?

Aug 7, 2023
A quarter of referred patients were turned away from home health care providers because of staff shortages, an industry report says.
The COVID-19 pandemic "accelerated an awareness of the capabilities of care at home,” said Bill Dombi of the National Association for Home Care and Hospice.
Joseph Prezioso/AFP via Getty Images